
Support Pallotti


推荐十大靠谱彩票平台依靠捐助者的慷慨和志愿者的热情,他们分享我们的使命和愿景,教育年轻男女“revive faith and rekindle charity in the world.” We are grateful to all of our parents, alumni, parents of alumni, 教职员工和朋友们,以及他们为学校做出的慷慨贡献.我们邀请您探索许多可用的机会,并鼓励您参与支持我们的学校, and more importantly, our students.

如果你有问题或想了解更多关于如何支持正规靠谱的彩票app家庭的信息, please contact Claire Rudinski, Director of Advancement, at or (301) 725-3228 Ext. 2214. or Beth Henehan at

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    113 St. Mary's Place

    Laurel, MD 20707

    Attn: Office of Advancement

  • Gifts of Stocks

    将升值的证券(股票、债券和共同基金)作为礼物送给圣. Vincent Pallotti High School is convenient and easy. If you would like to make a gift of stock to Pallotti, please contact Claire Rudinski by e-mail at and/or by telephone at (301) 725-3228 Ext. 2214.

  • Matching Gift

    Many employers match the charitable contributions of their employees. If your employer has a matching gift program, 请向贵公司索取一份配对礼品表,并寄给Pallotti. The Advancement Office will complete the form and return it to your employer.

  • Opportunities in the Community

    Amazon Smile

    Are you an avid Amazon shopper? 如果是这样,下次你购物的时候,一定要把Pallotti注册为你的慈善组织. It's easy! Sign in to然后选择“您的帐户”,“更改您的慈善机构”从页面底部的选项. Search for an select St. Vincent Pallotti High School as your charitable organization. Don't forget to use the link when you shop!

    Harris Teeter - Together in Education (TIE)

    Link your VIC by visiting and designate Pallotti using ID# 8012. When you shop Harris Teeter brand items, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to Pallotti.

    Bloom - For Your School Program

    正规靠谱的彩票app可以通过使用ID# 01864连接你的微风卡来获得免费的教育设备. Visit, click on "your bloom" then click on "for your school". Every time you shop Pallotti automatically earns credit.

  • Workplace Campaign

    As a proud member of the United Way of the National Capital Region, Pallotti participates in the United Way NCA Giving Campaign, Maryland Charity Campaign and Combined Federation Campaign (CFC). 这个工作场所的活动允许员工通过扣除工资来捐赠给他们最喜欢的组织. 通常,一些雇主会将你的工资扣除的捐款与竞选活动相匹配.

    指定正规靠谱的彩票app为您通过联合劝募基金会慷慨捐款的接受者, 请使用代码6642联合劝募协会和马里兰慈善运动或代码99624联合联盟运动(CFC)。.

  • Planned Giving

    Including 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台在您的遗产计划中允许您为学校做出重大贡献,并为后代留下您的遗产,而不会影响您当前的收入或生活方式.  

    There are several options for planned giving: 

    • Bequests
    • Beneficary Designation
    • Real Estate
    • Gift from Retirement Plan
    • Gift of Life Insurance

    Please contact Claire Rudinski by e-mail at, and/or by telephone at (301) 725-3228 Ext. 2214号,如果你想了解更多关于将正规靠谱的彩票app纳入你的遗产计划的信息. 

Pave the Way (Courtyard Brick)

The Pallotti Annual Fund

What is The Pallotti Fund?

学费涵盖了像正规靠谱的彩票app这样的私立独立学校的大部分日常开支. In order to remain competitive with other schools in the area, Pallotti strives to keep tuition from rising too high. 大多数时候,学费不足以支付每个学生的教育成本. 正规靠谱的彩票app基金的捐款使学校能够弥补这一差距,并使学费保持在足够低的水平,使大多数家庭都能负担得起. Additionally, 捐赠给正规靠谱的彩票app基金使学校能够“加倍努力”,为成为一所真正卓越的学校提供必要的资源!

What are some of the specific areas which may benefit from my gift?


  • Financial aid & scholarships
  • Cutting-edge technology in our classrooms
  • Enriching our extra-curricular activities & athletics
  • Equipping our teachers with resources to provide top-notch instruction
  • Physical plant improvements

Pallotti Fund Giving Societies

Reverend Joseph Myer Founder Society
$25,000 and above

Legacy Circle
$10,000 to $24,999

The Pallottine Council
$5,000 to $9,999

St. Vincent Pallotti Society
$2,500 to $4,999

Leadership Circle
$1,000 to $2,499

President/Principal's Society
$500 to $999

Honor Circle
$250 to $499

Pallotti Ambassador
$100 to $249

Blue and White Society
Up to $99


Pallotti offers young men and women the best of both worlds. We are large enough to boast a wide-ranging curriculum, cutting edge technology, and a diverse selection of extracurricular activities. We are also small enough that each student is treated as an individual, possessing unique talents and abilities. We also offer spiritually enriching retreats and service opportunities, and over 20 interscholastic sports teams. Gifts to The Pallotti Fund help make all of this possible. Each gift—no matter the amount—counts, and your participation is essential. 

Gift to The Pallotti Fund


Saunders J. Allen Scholarship Fund

该奖项于2013年由Peter和Susan Basile(已故Ryan Basile的父母)创立, 2013届毕业生)是授予表现出奉献精神的高年级学生的奖项, commitment, and perseverance in the pursuit of academic achievement. 该奖项旨在鼓励学生在毕业后继续冒险学习. Vincent Pallotti High School. The award is given in honor of Mr. Saunders J. 艾伦表彰他有能力激励学生,并发现那些可能看不到自己潜力的人. 

Everhart/Graham Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is offered in memory of Jeanine Everhart and Gloria Graham, both from the class of 1987, 谁在大四的秋天不幸死于一场车祸. Each year, members of the senior class select one of their peers, someone who they feel best demonstrates acceptance of all people, to receive the scholarship.

Steve Edmonds Scholarship Fund

After 36 years of loving and devoted service to 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台,最后13届作为我们敬爱的校长. Steve Edmonds stepped down at the end of the 2010-11 school year. New buildings have been built, innovative programs have been instituted, and much progress has taken place under his stewardship, but Mr. 埃德蒙兹留下的遗产很清楚:他对正规靠谱的彩票app的年轻男女真诚而温柔的爱, which will continue to inspire us all.

请帮助我们向史蒂夫·埃德蒙兹奖学金基金捐款来纪念这位非常特别的人. 我们的目标是收集足够的资金,以便能够永久地赋予这个已经存在的奖学金,作为史密斯先生的另一个持续的遗产. Edmonds' character and selflessness. Nothing would please him more!

Thomas G. Linsenmeyer Memorial Scholarship Fund

这项奖学金的目的是奖励努力工作的男性或女性正规靠谱的彩票app资深运动员, perseverance, sportsmanship and leadership. This award was established to celebrate the life of Thomas G. Linsenmeyer, an exceptional athlete in the Class of 2001. 这一荣誉被授予一名男运动员和一名女运动员,他们通过欲望和奉献精神激励并实现了超出预期的目标.

Dick Howard Memorial Scholarship Fund

该奖学金是两个独立的500美元奖学金,每年颁发给St. Vincent Pallotti High School students towards their tuition; one to a male student and one to a female student. 它是为了纪念迪克·霍华德一生的社区服务和志愿服务.

Daniel Sung Walser Memorial Scholarship Fund

这项奖学金是为了纪念2002届毕业生丹尼尔·宋·沃瑟而设立的. Daniel was a student athlete who participated in soccer, wrestling, lacrosse, and swimming during his four years at Pallotti. Daniel was a confident, sincere, 他是一个真正的年轻人,他热爱生活,俘获了年轻人和老年人的心, regard for humankind, and ability to ponder the “big picture.正如他在申请进入圣何塞大学的个人论文中所描述的那样,他确实是一个“罕见的发现”. Vincent Pallotti High School. 该奖学金旨在表彰与丹尼尔具有相同品格和正直的学生运动员.

Warren Hall Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Warren Hall Memorial Scholarship was established in 2011, in memory of Warren Hall, Varsity Football coach from 1984 – 2002. The leadership, energy, “酷教练”对足球的知识和热情给他的球员留下了深刻的印象. 霍尔教练珍惜他与正规靠谱的彩票app社区的联系,看到他的球员在球场上成长为运动员,他感到非常自豪, and as fine and respectable individuals off the field.

沃伦·霍尔纪念奖学金每年将表彰一名正规靠谱的彩票app学生运动员,他们通过他/她的领导能力散发出积极的光芒, teamwork, sportsmanship and compassion. Through each scholarship recipient, the “cool” will live on.

Donate to a Scholarship Fund


Claire Rudinski

Director of Advancement

Beth Henehan

Assistant to the Director of Advancement


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